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Quiz Society SRCC


Writer's picture: BhartiBharti

"Progress isn't made by early risers. It’s made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something." - ROBERT A.HEINLEIN

All the biggest technological inventions created by man including the automobile, computer, airplane says little about the intelligence of human race but speaks volume about their laziness. Laziness translates to the quality of being unwilling to work or use one’s energy; it’s the state of idleness.

When you search on google about productivity, you will get 10,000 results and tips on how to be more productive but when you search “laziness” you will only get ways on how to curb and overcome it. Why do people run after being productive? Society only values willpower, why? There are a lot of pros of being lazy.

When Frank B. Gilbreth said “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job because that person will find an easy way to do that task.” It’s the truth. Lazy people are highly efficient. Napping which is generally considered to be unproductive is actually the key to be more productive. It increases one’s positivity and tolerance. It gives one break from hectic schedule and one can focus better and feels less troubled after a nap. Laziness can not be considered the same as depression. It may be a symptom of it. People who are lazy are realists as they spend less time on unsolvable problems. And hence, there’s a blessing in giving up. Problems sometimes can solve themselves if left alone for some time .

During the enlightenment period, aristocrats felt proud of their laziness and it meant the same as a badge of honor to them. It was so because while being lazy, mind wanders into the creative zone. Laziness increases diffused thinking. One needs to maintain constant oscillation between diffuse and focused thinking to be more productive and creative. Mind wandering sometimes can help in achieving non obvious solutions. Being lazy is a health and wellness tool which requires zero effort, zero time, and zero dollars. Laziness equals meditation as it lowers blood pressure, reduces anxiety, decreases body fatigue and improves quantity and quality of sleep. Also, monotasking is preferred over multi-tasking as it enables one to focus and perform better than getting interrupted by various other tasks. You’re at your best self when you’re deliberately doing less.

Laziness instead of being a sign of inefficiency ,can be seen as result of smart work that is freeing up time for well deserved idleness. Lazy people are active procrastinators, which states that they prefer to work under pressure, have great control over their time, have efficient coping mechanisms and maintain their overall performance. Lazy people tend to focus more on high leverage activities that means tasks which require minimum input and outsized output. They carefully manage their energy expenditure and avoid unnecessary tasks. The unproductive time spent being lazy helps cope up with stress. This is true especially true in case of teenagers. By taking regular breaks ,lazy people have the chance to recharge their mind and body and hence avoid burnouts. “Boredom and laziness should be used to regain control over one’s own body and time.”

But Laziness is not always beneficial. Its usefulness depends on the context in which one is feeling lazy, the importance of task at hand, the length of time one procrastinates for and other factors. Being lazy is not a trait to be ashamed of. When used with proper caution and control, laziness can lead to smarter decisions, innovative solutions and better mental health.

When someone accuses you of being lazy, just say “I believe you meant to say highly efficient”. And remember the words of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Lech Walesa “I’m lazy. But it’s the lazy people who invented the wheel and bicycle because they didn’t like carrying or walking things”. Be tactfully LAZY.

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